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Showing posts with label earlobe infection. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - EARLOBE INFECTION


The earlobe or pinna is the outer lobe of the ear which help to protect the ear canal.

Infection can affect the earlobe which is made up of cartilage covered by skin,                                  

Earlobes can be of different sizes and fleshiness.

Some earlobes may be deformed as a result of earlobe infection leading to cauliflower ears.

Causes of earlobe infections are:
1.normal bacteria resides on the skin of the pinna or earlobe.
When the skin is broken as a result of
a.tears of the skin from scratching

b.injury of the skin

c.multiple earlobe piercing

the normal bacteria residing on the skin of the earlobe will infect the skin and the underlying cartilage.

If the cartilage is involved the condition is called perichondritis.

Sometimes the infection is severe enough to destroy the cartilage and cause an abscess.

Infection of the external ear canal may also spread to the pinna.

Symptoms of earlobe infections:
The infected earlobe is usually:
3.warm to touch
4.extremely painful especially to touch
5.Fever and chills in some cases

Diagnosis of earlobe infections:
1.The diagnosis is usually obvious from the history and physical examination.

2.A swab of the pus may be obtained for test and sensitivity to antibiotics

The Treatment for Earlobe infection:
Earlobe infections caused by bacterial infections are treated with 1.antibiotics both orally and topically

2.analgesics for pain

If the infection progress to an abscess formation, incision and drainage of the abscess may need to be done as well as daily cleansing and dressing.

The abscess may destroy the underlying cartilage and as it heals new cartilage growth may lead to a deformity called the cauliflower ear.

Prognosis of earlobe infections:
All earlobe infections normally will heal but recurrences are common.

Prevention of earlobe infections:
1.avoid unhygienic ear piercing

2.avoid wearing multiple ear rings

3.avoid scratching the skin of the earlobe too hrad because the skin is generally thin over the earlobe region.

What are complications of ear infections?

Most external ear infections can be treated easily and resolved without any damage to the surrounding tissues.
In Otitis Media,there is danger of spread of the infections to the surrounding bone tissue,labrynth, meninges and brain.
Acute mastoiditis
Brain abscess
Facial palsy

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