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Showing posts with label ADDISON DISEASE. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - ADDISON DISEASE


Addison Disease is a  disease which is caused by the deficiency of  circulating glucocorticoids steroids and mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) hormones as a result of disease of the adrenal glands.

The causes are believed to be:
1. Auto-immune disease of the adrenals with destruction of the adrenal parenchyma is associated with circulating antibodies and decreased production of glucocorticosteroids.

2.Tuberculosis of the adrenal glands

3.Adrenal tumors which may be benign or malignant can reduce production of corticosteroids.

4.Rare causes are metastatic carcinoma, amyloidosis and hemachromatosis

5.Iatrogenic -sudden cessation of chronic corticosteroids or failure to increase therapy in corticosteroid dependent patients undergoing stress, surgery or infection.

Symptoms of Addison Disease are:

A.Acute Addison Crisis
The symptoms are :

2.abdominal pain

3.back and extremity pain

4.extreme muscle weakness

5.dehydration leading to hypotension




Addison crisis is fortunately rare

B.Chronic Addison disease:
1.Chronic adrenal hypofunction begins gradually


3.loss of appetite and weight

4.abdominal pain.



7.craving for salty food

8.increased pigmentation especially palmar flexures, nipples, genitalia, mouth lining, scars and exposed areas.

9.postural hypotension is common with giddiness

10.occasionally hypoglycemic symptoms may occur in early morning or when a meal is missed

Diagnosis of Addison Disease:
1.The increased pigmentation and loss of weight can suggest the diagnosis of Addison Disease

2.Electrolytes especially sodium is low, potassium and urea nitrogen is high

3.ACTH stimulation test with impaired corticol response is required to confirm diagnosis

4.Plasma adrenal antibodies may be present

5.Chest and abdominal X-rays for tuberculosis

Complications of Addison Disease:
1.coma from Addison's crisis


Treatment of Addison Disease:
1.Addison crisis is treated by intravenous normal saline and hydrocortisone 100mg every eight hours
Treatment must be done before laboratory confirmation of
diagnosis because of the danger of coma

2.Chronic Addison disease requires replacement of glucocorticoid:
a.hydrocortisone 30mg daily or
b.cortisone acetate 37.5 mg daily or
c.fludrocortisone 0.05 to 0.2 mg daily

Prognosis of Addison Disease:
The prognosis of Addison Disease is usually very good.

Addison crisis patients have excellent recovery with appropriate treatment

Chronic Addison disease patients also recovered well with replacement therapy.

Care is needed when there is trauma, infection and surgery.

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