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Showing posts with label BMI. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Simple Guide to Obesity

A Simple Guide to Obesity

What is obesity?

Obesity is defined as having a weight 20% above the desirable weight which is having a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 22 or less.
It is a chronic medical condition where fat accumulates in the body due to excess calories.
Obesity is harmful to the person's health and well being.

What causes obesity?

Many factors contributes to obesity:

Genetic factors

Obesity runs in the family and is hereditary.
Family members who share the same diet and lifestyle may have the same overweight condition.

Environmental factors

The environment is an important factor in determining obesity.
1.Overeating -
many people have an increased craving for food.
It has found that these people lack a hormone called serotonin in the brain which acts to decreased appetite.

2.low metabolism -
some people has a lower metabolic rate tends to accumulate the excess energy from food as fats in the body.
Classic example is hypothyroidism where the low thyroid hormone reduce the capacity of the body to burn off energy so they become lethargic and fat.

3.lack of exercise -
Exercise helps to burn up calories.
People who tend to have a sedentary life without exercise tends to be overweight

4.Certain medications:
some medications like corticosteroids, female hormones aand antidepressants tends to cause increased appetite and water retention and contributes to weight gain.

Psychological factors

Psychological factors may be the cause of tendency to overindulge in food.
Some people eats more out of boredom, sadness, or anger.
Others overeat as a way of dealing with stress or depression.

Rare illnesses:

Some rare illnesses like hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, depression, and certain neurological problems can lead to overeating.
These conditions are believed to be responsible for only about one percent of all obesity cases.

What is the criteria for diagnosis of Obesity?

The most widely used method is the body mass index (BMI).
BMI is the gauge of the amount of body fat in adults.

BMI = Your Weight (kg)
Height (metres) x Height (metres)

The risk of developing heart disease and diabetes begins at BMI values of 23 kg/m2 and above.
BMI (kg/m2) (for adults):
Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes

27.5 and above
High Risk

23.0 - 27.4
Moderate Risk

18.5 - 22.9
Low Risk (healthy range)

Less than 18.5
Risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis

Knowing your BMI will motivate you to lower your weight.

What are the Complications from obesity?

Health hazards

Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem.
Many serious medical conditions are associated with it:

1.High blood pressure

2.High blood cholesterol


4.Coronary heart disease


6.Gallbladder disease

7.Liver disease

8.Degenerative joint disease

9.Cancer (colon, uterine, breast and other cancers).

10.Gout,caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood from the high purine
proteins consumed.

11.Sleep apnoea

Emotional effects:

1.Feelings of rejection, shame, or depression

2.Feeling undesirable compared with a slim person.

3.Some face prejudice or discrimination.

4.Some may be seen as lazy or lacking in self-control.

Treatment of Obesity will follow in A Simple Guide to Obesity Part 2

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