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Showing posts with label congestive heart failure. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2011



Congestive Heart failure occurs when the heart can not pump enough blood to the rest of the body.

This condition may affect either the right side or the left side of the heart. Often both sides of the heart are involved.

The Causes of Congestive Heart failure are:

When the heart is unable to pump enough oxygen-rich blood out to the rest of the body, blood may back up in other areas of the body.

Fluid builds up in the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and the arms and legs.

This is called congestive heart failure.

The main causes are:
1.coronary artery disease (CAD) a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart.

2.cardiomyopathy-Heart failure can also occur when an infection weakens the heart muscle and the heart muscle enlarges to compensate.

3.Congenital heart disease -defects in the heart of the newborn affects the pumping action of the heart

4.Heart valve disease - abnormal valves affects the blood flow through the heart

5.Some types of abnormal heart rhythms(arrhythmias) affects efficiency of blood flow through the heart

6.Emphysema - chronic lung disease affect the heart lung circulation

7.Overactive thyroid - fast heart beat affects the heart pumping action

8.Severe anemia -insufficient blood affects the blood flow in the heart

9.Underactive thyroid - slow heart beats also affects the heart


Symptoms of heart failure usually begin slowly.
1.breathing problems occurs even while resting.

2.Cough worse at night

3.Fatigue, weakness, faintness

4.Loss of appetite

5.Need to urinate at night

6.Pulse that is fast or irregular, or palpitations(feeling of fast heart beats)

7.Shortness of breath when active or lying down

8.Swollen (enlarged) liver or abdomen

9.Swollen feet and ankles

10.Waking up from sleep as a result of shortness of breath

11.Weight gain

Heart failure symptoms can also begin suddenly; for example, after a heart attack or other heart problem.


1.Fast or difficult breathing

2.Irregular or fast heartbeat and abnormal heart sounds

3.Leg swelling (edema)

4.Neck veins that stick out (distended)

5.Sounds (creps) from fluid buildup in lower parts of the lungs

6.Swelling of the liver or abdomen

An echocardiogram (ultrasound) is the best test to diagnose, find the cause of, and monitor the heart failure because it can check on the blood flow through the heart.

Imaging tests are useful:
1.Cardiac stress tests
2.Heart catheterization
3.MRI of the heart
4.Nuclear heart scans

Laboratory tests are done to check on:
1. kidneys condition (BUN, creatinine, creatinine clearance, urinalysis)

2.low blood count or anemia -- full blood count (FBC)

3.Test for brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)

4.sodium and potassium levels in your blood



1.Follow-up appointments to check the heart function.

2.Knowledge of symptoms indicating heart failure is getting worse
a.changes in your heart rate,
b.pulse rhythm
c.blood pressure,

3.Weight gain within a day or two may be a sign of extra fluid in the body and the heart failure is getting worse.

4.reduce the salt eaten and limit the fluid taken during the day.

5.Avoid alcohol

6.Avoid smoking

7.Keep active walking or riding a stationary bicycle. Avoid exercise on days when there is increased fluid or weight.

8.Lose weight if overweight.

9.Lower your cholesterol by diet

10.Rest is needed for the heart .


Medicines treat the symptoms, prevent the heart failure from getting worse, and prolong life

Medicines like diuretics,aspirin and digoxin will:
1.Help the heart muscle pump better

2.Keep the blood from clotting

3.Lower the blood pressure

4.Open up the blood vessels or slow the heart rate

5.Replace potassium

6.Rid your body of excess fluid and salt (sodium)

1.Coronary bypass surgery (CABG) and angioplasty may help improve blood flow to the damaged or weakened heart muscle.

2.Heart valve surgery may be done if damages to the heart valve are causing heart failure.

3.A pacemaker can help treat slow heart rates or help both sides of the heart contract at the same time.

4.A defibrillator sends an electrical pulse to stop life threatening abnormal heart rhythms.

Severe heart failure occurs when treatments no longer work.
Certain treatments may be used when a person is waiting for a heart transplant:
1.Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
2.Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)


Very often the heart failure can be controlled by taking medicine, changing to a healthy lifestyle, and treating the underlying condition.

Heart failure can suddenly get worse due to:
2.Eating high-salt foods
3.Heart attack
4.Infections or other illnesses
5.Not taking medicines correctly

Heart failure is usually a chronic illness, which may get worse over time.
Some people develop severe heart failure, in which medicines, other treatments, and surgery no longer help.

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