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Showing posts with label sebaceous glands. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Simple Guide to Dandruff

A Simple Guide to Dandruff

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is an acute to chronic inflammatory scaly disease of the hairy areas of the scalp endowed with sebaceous glands.

As a result scales that are shedded from the the dead skin cells of the scalp are called dandruff or pityriasis capitis.

What are the Causes of Dandruff?

The cause of Dandruff is not completely known but are related to three possible factors:

1.Excessive sebaceous or oil gland secretions from the skin

2.the fungus Malassezia furfur has been known to be a possible cause of dandruff.
It metabolises the oils present in sebum to a lipid byproduct oleic acid .This oleic acid can cause an inflmmation in the epithelium of the scaly resulting in the shedding of dry scales.

3. allergic reaction to chemicals in hair oils, cream or gel

Certain oily foods may trigger the production of dandruff

Stress has been known to trigger off dandruff

What are the symptoms of Dandruff?

Onset is usually gradual.

1.Flaking of scales from the scalp.

2.Itchiness of the scalp

3.Redness of the skin on scalp, forehead and eyebrows

1.Dry, rounded, greyish macular or papular lesions on the scalp.

2.The surface consists of dry scales which can be rubbed off

3.Sometimes the lesions can become crusted

4.Some lesions may become purulent with yellow exudate.

What is the Treatment of Dandruff?

1.Dandruff shampoo such as Sebutone, Genisol, Selsun will help to remove flakes and reduce the lesions.

2.fungus infection should be treated with antifungal orally with ketoconazole
and topical antifungal lotion and shampoo such as salicylate acid lotion, nizoral or ketoconazole shampoo.

3.For more severe cases with bacterial infection a combination of hydrocortisone and tetracycline ointment can be used to remove infected crusts.

4.General hair hygiene -
shampoo hair daily

Avoid too strong hair cream or gels

What is the prognosis of Dandruff?

Generally good with treatment.

However recurrences are not uncommon.

General hair hygiene is important.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Simple Guide to Acne

A Simple Guide to Acne

What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition which is characterised by papules, pustules and inflamed sebaceous oil glands.
It typically occurs on the face, neck, upper back, chest, or shoulders where the concentration of these glands are normally located.

What is the cause of Acne?

It is a disease caused by the overactivity of the skin's sebaceous glands which are located at the base of the hair follicles.
Sebaceous glands produce an oily moisturising secretion (sebum)which helps to wax the hair growing from the hair follicle.

The sebum then empties into the skin's hair follicles which cover most of the body. Normally tiny skin cells shed so that new skin can replace the ones on the surfaces. When the shedding of such cells is abnormal, the opening of the hair follicle can be blocked. The result is a accumulation of sebum in the follicle which can easily become infected.

Bacteria Infection of the accumulated sebum produce pus
and toxins which then resulted in a infected swollen gland or infected pimple.
The infected pimples if severe may result in scars.

What are the Symptoms of Acne?

The severity of symptoms depends on the individual.
Acne usually occurs during puberty when the production of male hormone in teenagers both male & female are higher.

1.Small bumps which appear under the skin and have no opening are known as whiteheads.

2.Dark spots with plugged pores in the centre are blackheads.

3.Persistent, recurrent red spots or swellings on the skin, filled with pus, are pustules.

4.Lumps under the skin which are inflamed and solid are nodules, or if fluid filled are cysts.

Often the acne become worse during stress or using oily cosmetics or hair creams.
In girls the acne may be aggravated during menses or during pregnancy

What is the Treatment of Acne?

Reassurance of worries about their looks in teenagers is very important because it reduces stress and the production of more male hormones.

Fresh air, enough rest and a healthy lifestyle will help physically and psychologically.

A small amount of sun exposure may also help acne problems because of drying effect on the oily skin.

Avoid touching the acne spots with dirty hands because of increased risk to infections.

Do not try to squeeze the pimples.

Patients with minimal symptoms:
1. simple healthy skin care can resolve the problem.
Oily skin can washed with simple soap and water.
Topical medications that help to dry up the oil and promote skin peeling can be applied on the skin. Such products may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or tretinoin, or retinoic acid (Retin-A).

2.antibiotics (such as tetracycline or erythromycin) is prescribed if the skin lesions appear infected.
Topical antibiotics (applied to a localized area of the skin) such as clindamycin or erythromycin are also used to control infection.

3.New treatment with synthetic vitamin A analogues (isotretinoin, Accutane) have been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of severe acne.
This medication is not to be taken by pregnant women and sexually active adolescent females because of the danger of deformity to the foetus.

4. Sometime oestrogen therapy (Diane 35) on a short term may benefit girls with very severe acne and whose menses are not regular.

It is important to remember that every person who has gone through puberty has some form of acne and usually do not have any complications or bad scarring with the condition.

Prognosis is very good for 99% of cases.

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