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Showing posts with label Testicular torsion. Show all posts

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Simple Guide to Testicular torsion

A Simple Guide to Testicular torsion

What is a Testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion is the twisting of the testis on its cord either spontaneously or following strenuous activity.

It is a medical emergency as gangrene of testis may occur.

What is the Cause of Testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion is caused by

1.incomplete fixation of the epididymis to the testis

2.inadequate attachment of the mesorchium.(testicular body)

3.loose ligaments holding the testis to its cord .

Because of the loose attachment sudden movement of the testis on its cord may cause the testis to be twisted resulting in sudden reduction of blood flow to the testis leading to gangrene of the testis.

What are the Symptoms and signs of Testicular torsion?

Symptoms :

1.Severe pain in the testis

2.nausea and vomiting



1.scrotal swelling and edema

2.tenderness of the testis on palpation

3.redness and inflammation of the scrotal pouch

4.enlarged scrotal pouch

How do you make the Diagnosis of Testicular torsion?

1.Characteristic appearance of the testis

2.Ultrasound examination can detect the obvious torsion

What are the complications of Testicular torsion?

Damage to the testis with gangrene formation

What is the treatment of Testicular torsion?

The only treatment is surgical treatment to untangle the torsion and fasten the testis tightly to its attachment.

Removal of the testis (orchidectomy) may be necessary if there is gangrene.

What is the prognosis of Testicular torsion?

The prognosis is usually excellent if treated early.

Gangrenous testis must be removed.

How can Testicular Torsion be prevented?

Avoid strenuous activities

Wear loose underwear

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