Chronic Fatigue
There are 2 main causes of Chronic Fatigue
1.Pathological Chronic Fatigue
Viral Infections may be a trigger
Others are:
Dehydration and electrolyte disturbance
Heart disease
Paraneoplastic syndrome
Pulmonary disease
Renal disease
2.Psychological Chronic Fatigue
sedentary lifestyle
Sleep disorders
Symptoms are:
1.Severe fatigue that prevents the patient from getting up of bed
2.weakness in the limbs
3.Pain in the head, abdomen, or muscles of the limbs
4.Poor appetite
5.reluctance to take part in social activities
6.Tired after any physical or mental exercise
7.difficulty in concentration
Diagnosis is by:
1.Blood tests to exclude anemia and infections
2.Tests to exclude diabetes, low thyroid hormones, endocrine disease
3.Psychological evaluation
Treatment is by :
1. No specific treatment eexcept for rest
2.Counseling in cases of psychological causes
3.Gradual return to work or school
4.Treat underlying causes such as diabetes, hypothyroidism
usually good
P.S (on 22nd April 2011)
I was advised by my expert readers that what I was writing about is Chronic Fatigue and not Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Having gone through all their comments and their links, they are all correct and this post is all about Chronic Fatigue.
I am grateful for all these experts for their comments.
Please send me more comments.