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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Simple Guide to Cervicitis

A Simple Guide to Cervicitis

What is Cervicitis?

Cervicitis is non-specific infection of the cervix.

It is most common on the posterior cervix but may be anterior or concentric.

Who is affected by Cervicitis?

1.Congeital cervical erosions or cervicitis can occur in virgins.

2.sexually active females

3.dilatation in labor or during abortion

What are the types of Cervicitis?


Erosion surface is smooth


Erosion surface is rough


Erosion surface is cystic

What are the Causes of Cervicitis?

Bacterial infections:



3.staphylococcus aureus


5.Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Viral infections:

1.Genital herpes

2.Human Papilloma Virus

Other causes:

1.Cervical cap

2.Device to support the uterus (pessary)


4.allergy to spermicides

5.Exposure to a chemical

What are the complications of Cervicitis?

1.Pelvic inflammatory disease

2.Urethritis and cystitis

3.rarely malignant changes in cervix

4.inguinal lymphadenitis

5.Cervical cancer

What are the Symptoms and signs of Cervicitis?

1.Mucopurulent vaginal discharge (Gray, white, or yellow color) with odor

2.Blood in the vaginal discharge
a.After intercourse
b.After menopause
c.Between periods

3.Urinary infection symptoms - frequency and pain

3.hematuria (blood in the urine)

4.Pelvic pain


6.Painful sexual intercourse

7.Pain in the vagina

8.Pressure or heaviness in the pelvis


1.reddened area of cervix

2.erosion of cervical wall

3.Vaginal surface of cervix may be affected

4.pus discharge from the cervix

5.Swelling (inflammation) of the walls of the vagina

How is diagnosis of Cervicitis made?

1.Vaginal examination with Pap's smear of cervical cells

2.Cervical swab for culture and sensitivity to antibiotics

3.Blood tests( white cell count , blood culture, chlamydia, gonorrhea)

4.Biopsy of cervical erosions.

What is the treatment of Cervicitis?

1. Antibiotics is given according to the sensitivity of bacteria in the culture.

2.Pelvic pain and backache may be treated with paracetamol

3.Local application of sulphonamide, tetracycline or other antibiotic cream to affected cervical area

4.Electro-Cauterisation of the affected cervical area

5.Cryosurgery of cervical erosions

6.Cone biopsy if necessary of affected cervix area.

7.Hormonal therapy (especially in postmenopausal women)

8.Laser therapy of cervical erosions

What is the prognosis of Cervicitis?

Prognosis with appropriate treatment and antibiotics is generally good.

Recurrence is common.

Cervicitis may last for months to years.

Cervicitis may lead to pain with intercourse (dyspareunia).

What are Preventive measures for Cervicitis?

Avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners.

Use condoms during sexual intercourse.

Vaccination against human papilloma virus

Avoid chemical irritants such as douches and deodorant tampons.

Avoid using spermicidal contraceptives

Make sure that any foreign objects that inserted into the vagina is clean or sterile

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