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Showing posts with label Alcoholism. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Simple Guide to Alcoholism

A Simple Guide to Alcoholism

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a chronic disease manifested by a pattern of pathological alcohol usage with inability to stop drinking more than temporary resulting in physical, psychological and social consequences.

Who is at risk of getting Alcoholism?


2.Cultural factors especially alcohol drinking friends

3.Social pressure and Stress

4.Depression may be a cause of Alcoholism

What are the Symptoms and signs of Alcoholism?

Common symptoms of Alcoholism are:

1.Need for daily use of alcohol

2.Binge drinking

3.Inability to stop drinking more than a temporary phase

4.Impairment of social and occupational function

5.Blackouts and amnesia

6.Violent behavior when intoxicated with arguments with friends and family

7.Absence from work or loss of job

8.Legal problems such as arrests for drink driving or traffic accidents

9.Evidence of tolerance for more alcohol to achieve sense of comfort

10.Development of alcohol withdrawal (tremors on awakening, insomnia, hallucinations)

How is the diagnosis of Alcoholism made?

1. level of blood alcohol above the permitted limit.

2.Liver function tests are abnormal:
a.Aminotransferases  - AST and ALT are moderately elevated, with AST > ALT.
b.Alkaline phosphatase  - usually slightly elevated.
c.GGT  - correlates with AP levels- much higher in chronic liver disease from alcohol.

3. ECG and EEG

What are the complications of Alcoholism?

Complications may develop with progression of the alcoholism.

1.Delirium tremors

2.Acute alcohol delusional states

3.Untidy appearance
a.neglect of personal appearance,
d.trouble concentrating,
e.changes in sleep habits.

5.Alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis

6.Wernicke's encephalopathy

7.Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration


What is the treatment of Alcoholism?

In all cases of Alcoholism,  assessment of the patient's alcoholism and complications are needed.
1. Detoxification in special centers

2. treatment of complications

3.Alcohol withdrawal with the help of transquillizers and vitamin supplements

4.Antabuse therapy to cure alcohol dependence

5.Psychological therapy and Alcoholic Anonymous

What is the prognosis for Alcoholism?

Prognosis is dependent on initial severity and the patient's motivation to return to sobriety

Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease which can be controlled but seldom cured.

What is the best prevention for Alcoholism?

1. No drinking of any form of alcohol

2. Family support and psychotherapy and self help groups

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