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Showing posts with label prostate cancer. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - CANCER SCREENING 5


Cancer screening - conclusion

H.Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the third most common cancer in males in Singapore.

It is seldom seen in men less than 50 years of age.

Most prostate cancers are slow growing and may not cause symptoms or shorten life.

Majority of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die from it.

Having said that, there are rare instances where the prostate cancer is aggressive and can cause death very fast.

Men who are at high risk of prostate cancer are those with:
1.Aged 50 years and above history of prostate cancer diagnsed below the age of 60 years of age

Cancer screening procedures for prostate cancer includes:
1.Digital rectal examination or DRE is a quick and reliable rectal examination of the prostate gland with a gloved finger through the rectum.

If the prostate gland feels enlarged, hard and nodular(lumpy), there is a possibility of prostate cancer unlike the smooth enlargement of benign prostate hypertrophy.

A prostate biopsy will then be needed to eliminate the prostate for cancer cells.

2.Blood test- tumor marker Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) may be raised indicating a possibility of prostate cancer.

However raised Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) may also be due to non-cancerous enlargement or inflammation of the prostate gland.

Prostate Specific Antigen therefore serves as a guide to the presence and severity of prostate cancer especially where prostate cancer seldom kill a person being slow growing.

Summary of Cancer screening:
a.Colorectal Cancer (above 50 years of age)
1.Yearly Fecal Occult Blood Test after the age of 50 years
2.5 years once Colonoscopy if there is a family history of colorectal cancer

b.Lung Cancer (all adult ages)
Yearly CT scan for lung cancer for chronic smokers and family history of lung cancer

c.Liver Cancer (all adult ages)
1.6 monthly Alpha feto-protein blood test for those with chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis or hepatitis C

2.Yearly Ultrasound of liver for those with chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis or hepatitis C

d.Prostate Cancer (above the age of 50)
1.2 yearly Digital Rectal Examination(DRE) for all men with a family history

2.2 yearly PSA blood test

e.Nasopharyngeal Cancer (above the age of 40)
1.2 yearly EBV IgA antibodies test

2.2 yearly nasoendoscopy

f.Breast Cancer (above age of 40)
1.Monthly Breast Self Examination (BSE)

2.2 yearly mammogram and ultrasound of the breasts

g.Ovarian Cancer (all ages above puberty 16 years)
1.Yearly pelvic ultrasound

2.Yearly blood CA 125

h.Cervical Cancer (all ages who had sexual intercourse)
2 yearly Pap's smear test and vaginal examination

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