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Monday, December 3, 2007

A Simple Guide to Menopause

A Simple Guide to Menopause (Part 2)

How to Treat the symptoms of Menopause?

In most cases of menopause, no treatment is necessary as it is a normal physiological event.
It is important that there is reassurance and psychological support from family and friends.
Menopause may mean the end of fertility but it also means the freedom from all the discomfort and inconvenience of monthly menstruation and fear of pregnancy.

Hormone replacement therapy used to be the best solution for all the symptoms and problems of menopause at one time.
They help to prevent heart disease and osteoporosis as well as to reduce the symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, skin , breast and vaginal changes.
Oestrogen and progesterone are the two types of female hormones prescribed for and after menopause.
A combination of the two hormones is taken, as progesterone helps to protect the uterus from endometrial cancer.
If the woman have had removal of the womb, she will normally be given only oestrogen.

HRT can be taken as pills as a single oestogen tablet or as combination of oestrogen and progesterone.
Besides tablets, female hormonal patches, implants or vaginal creams can be used to help replace the level of hormones in the menopausal women.

There are benefits to the use of HRT:

1.Relieves hot flushes
2.reduce vaginal dryness.
3.Prevents osteoporosis and protects against fractures.
4.Indirectly improves mood symptoms by relieving the physical discomfort of menopause.
5.Safe for short term use.

There are also risks in using HRT:

1.increase risk for breast cancer for long term users (>5 years).
2.side effects such as vaginal bleeding, nausea, hair loss and headaches.
3.cause PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) symptoms such as bloating or irritability.
4.cause venous thrombosis due to increased coagulation of blood.

Hormone replacement therapy has recently fell out of favour due to new study which indicate higher incidence of breast and womb cancer taking HRT over a 5 year period.
It is still prescribed more as a single oestrogen tablet rather than a combination pill of oestrogen and progesterone.
Selective estrogen receptor modulators(SERM) like Evista has been used to replace HRT with good effect.
Plant based female hormones
has also being used to reduce the symptoms of menopause. Alternative medicines like evening primrose oil has also been used.

For premature menopause where symptoms of menopause are more obvious due to their age, hormone replacement therapy is still given at intervals of 6 to 12 months.

Besides hormonal therapy, medicines such as:
1200mg of calcium daily
800 to 1000 IU of vitamin D daily

may be able to help prevent osteoporosis.

The current treatment for the symptoms of menopuse in the older women are:
1. A healthy life style.
Regular exercise
strengthen the muscles and bone.
Exercise also burns up calories to reduce obesity and hence prevent diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.
is one of the best weight-bearing exercises to prevent osteoporosis.
Swimming and dancing are also good exercises.

Eat a balanced diet
A good balanced diet helps to prevent obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and colorectal cancer.
More fruit and vegetables will help reduce calories
and prevent colorectal cancer.
Foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D such as fish, low fat high calcium milk can prevent osteoporosis.
Alcohol, coffee, tea, canned drinks should be avoided.
Less sugar, salt and saturated fats
will reduce the risk of diabetes,hypertension and heart disease.

Control Stress
Medititation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and sufficient sleep
reduces stress and heart disease.
Community service work, hobbies, time with family take the mind off work and stress.

Stay smoke-free
The risk of heart disease, lung and cervical cancer can be reduced by not smoking. flushes:
Cool showers and cool tempreatures may help to reduce hot flushes.
Hot beverages and spicy foods should be avoided.
Thin cotton clothes are more comfortable.
Drinking a glass of cold water, loosening any tight clothing and using a small fan to cool down can stop the beginning of a hot flush.
Soy products like tofu and soya bean
burns up less calories.
Meditation and mild exercise may also help by reducing stress.
hormone replacement therapy (mainly oestrogen) for a short peroid may be used as a last resort.

3.vaginal changes
Water-soluble vaginal lubricants can reduce dryness.
Oestrogen replacement creams may be prescribed to reduce the vaginal discomfort.

Doing simple pelvic floor exercises will strengthen the muscles surrounding the sphincter of the bladder opening.
Wearing a pad in the underwear
may reduce the discomfort due to leaks.
Injection of collagen sometimes work to tighten the sphincter of the bladder opening.
Surgery to tighten the muscles of the bladder opening may be used as a last resort.

5.mood changes:
Many women going through menopause may become irritable,anxious or depressed.
Learn how to relax and make time for yourself.
Exercise is good for your health as it keeps your mind off emotional problems!
A hobby or volunteer work that you enjoy may take your mind off your symptoms.
Build up a good support system through talking with friends or a professional counsellor.

A balanced diet with adequate calcium and active lifestyle can prevent development of osteoporosis:

Women who are at higher risk are those who
had early menopause or have ovaries removed
have a family history of osteoporosis
have a diet low in calcium and Vitamin D
are not physically active
are on steroids for long term (E.g. asthmatics)
drink coffee, tea or alcohol regularly
have certain disease such as an overactive thyroid gland

7.Breast Cancer
It is the most common cancer in menpausal women in their 50s.
Early detection by doing monthly breast self examination and a mammography once a year in your 40s and once every two years after age 50 is the best prevention.

8.Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is another common cancer among women.
It can be prevented by going for regular Pap smear tests.
Pap smear tests for cervical cancer once every 3 years from age 25 to 65 years if sexually active.
Pap smears can detect precancer so that early treatment can prevent full blown cancer.

9.Regular check-ups
Early detection and checkup can prevent complications such as heart disease and stroke.
A yearly blood pressure with blood sugar and blood cholesterol once every 3 years help to check for danger of heart disease and stroke.

Stay active and be confident about the future.
Take care of your health and personal appearance so that you both look and feel good.

Menopause marks a new Chapter in your life

While menopause marks the end of fertility, it is NOT the end of health, or a satisfying and enjoyable life. Menopause means freedom from the inconvenience and discomfort of monthly menses.

Every Woman Goes Through Menopause
Knowledge about menopause is important so that you know what to expect.

Most women welcome the cessation of periods.
Others may feel a sense of loss that their childbearing ability is gone.
By understanding the physical and emotional changes of menopause, more women are able to cope with life in the golden years.

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