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Showing posts with label reflex mechanism. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2008

A Simple Guide to Coughing

A Simple Guide to Coughing

What is Coughing?

Coughing is the reflex mechanism in which the body tries to get rid of excessive mucus and phlegm accumulated in the lining membranes of the respiratory tract.

The secretions from the lining of the respiratory tract trap and then flush out the viruses, bacteria and other particles like smoke, haze particles.

It prevents serious infections from entering the lungs and bronchial tubes

What are the common causes of cough?

Coughing is usually caused by the following:

1.bacterial or viral infection of the nose and throat such as the common cold or influenza.(yellow or green phlegm)

2.anaerobic infections of the mouth,

3.Infection of the tonsils, nose and sinuses(postnasal drip)

4.Bacterial infection of the bronchial tubes and lungs(bronchiectasis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, or tracheitis).
This often comes with rusty or green mucus.

Dry mouth:
1.Insufficient drinking of water

2.medications especially ACE inhibitors(eg. enapril) can cause dry persistent coughs

1.Certain plants, pollens, chemicals, cosmetics can cause allergic reactions in the throat and bronchial causing cough. (white clear phlegm)

2.Asthma - narrowing of the bronchial tubes due to allergic and other causes usually results in white sticky clear productive phlegm

Cigarettes smokes contains 40 over chemicals which irritates the cells in the lining of the bronchial tubes causing a chronic cough

Stress can cause cough due to dryness of mouth during stress or anxiety, causing the saliva to dry up and producing dry unproductive cough.
The cough in stress usually disappears during sleep.

Gastric problems or indigetions
1. Indigestion of food in the stomach can cause the undigested food in the stomach to produce gas in the stomach which goes upwards to the throat drying saliva which then become irritating phlegm in the throat.

2.gastroesophageal reflux of food can also cause the acid and undigested food to travel to the mouth and produce mucus secretions.

Systemic diseases:
1.Congestive heart failure

2.Lower respiratory tract infections

3.Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

4.Carcinoma lung.

What investigations are needed for cough?

1.chest X-ray

2.sputum culture

3.pulmonary function tests

What is the treatment of Coughing?

1.Approprate Antibiotics, antifungal for infections of throat and bonchial tubes

2.Antihistamines for allregic cough

3.Bronchodilators for asthma and Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

4.cough mixtures - expectorants helps to expel out the phlegm
- suppresant suppress the cough -especially for dry cough and at night to stop the cough

5.Antacids and antiflatulent agents to get rid of gas in stomach and prevent reflux

6.Diuretics for treatment of congestive heart failure especially in the elderly

Healthy Lifestyle:
1.drinking several glasses of water a day prevents dryness of mouth

2.Avoid cold, acidic, spicy and oily food which irritates the throat

3.Proper oral hygience after eating: brushing of teeth and flossing.

4.Gargle mouth after every meal.

4.Avoid smoking

6.Avoid frequent usage of the voice and throat - do not talk too much

6.Treat underlying condition such as asthma, diabetes, liver, kidney and other conditions.

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