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Showing posts with label vitamin C deficiency. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY


Vitamin C Deficiency is a medical condition caused by the deficiency of the human body of Vitamin C as a result of inadequate dietary intake or impaired absorption.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is present in all living human tissues as an important antioxidant compound of cell metabolism.

It is unfortunately rapidly destroyed by heating in the presence of air.

Vitamin C is found primarily in
1.animal sources - animal organs such as liver and adrenals.

2.vegetable and fruit sources: Vitamin C is found in fresh green and yellow vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, papaya, oranges, blackberries etc.

Optimal requirements of Vitamin C are:
1.adults and children above puberty: 70 mg daily
2.Infants and children before puberty: 30 mg  daily

Functions of Vitamin C:
1.Vitamin C together is essential for the formation and maintenance of intercellular substances such as connective tissue, bones and cartilage.

2.Vitamin C is involved in the hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline which helps in wound healing.

3.Vitamin C stimulates defenses of the body to form antibodies and activates reticuloendothelial system.(walls of the blood vessels)

It is therefore useful in the prevention of people with low immunity to illnesses.

4.Vitamin C also strengthen the walls of the capillaries and blood vessels preventing bleeding.

5.Vitamin C transport iron from transfer into ferritin a precursor of hemoglobin.

6.Vitamin C also interacts with folic acid, iron, Vitamin B12 and protein and other minerals to form the red blood cells.

Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency :
Vitamin C Deficiency occurs
1.when there is Vitamin C deficiencies due to - lactating mothers should take more Vitamin C
b.malabsorption as in celiac syndrome, sprue or hepatic cirrhosis
c.rapid loss of Vitamin C from the body

2.Severity of Vitamin C deficiency is inversely related to age.
It is more common in elderly people.

Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency :
1.Vitamin C Deficiency is a silent disease.
People with Vitamin C Deficiency often do not know that they have the condition.

2.Mucous membrane-swelling and bleeding of gums a condition called scurvy.

3.Skin- hyperkeratosis and metaplasia of skin and mucous membrane may occur and lead to increased susceptibility to infection.

4.Body function-weakness and fatigue

5.Mental-Brain dysfunction may occur in children with Vitamin C deficiency.

Diagnosis of Vitamin C Deficiency :
1.Blood Vitamin C levels are low

Treatment of Vitamin C Deficiency :
The goal of Vitamin C Deficiency treatment is the prevention of bleeding mucosa,gum and skin problems, and general immunity to illnesses.

Therefore, prevention of Vitamin C Deficiency is as important as treatment. Vitamin C Deficiency treatment and prevention measures are:

Vitamin C supplements
Vitamin C is given at 50 mg to 100 mg per day orally until the response is adequate.

In fact the Chemistry nobel laureate Linus Pauling has advocated the daily dosage of Vitamin C of 1000mg to 5000mg daily as a prevention to colds and influenza.
However such high dosage treatment has been known to have strong side effects and is still controversial.

Side effects are:
1.Vitamin C is only excreted in the urine and such high dosage of Vitamin C being acidic can damage the kidneys.

2.Precipitation of uric acid stones can also occur

3.Gastric problem may occur as Vitamin C is a strong acid

Prognosis of Vitamin C Deficiency :
1.good response to treatment in vitamin C deficiency.

2.treat underlying cause such as malabsorption to get a good response in the treatment of Vitamin C Deficiency.

Prevention of Vitamin C Deficiency :
take more fresh fruits and vegetables.

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