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Showing posts with label Heat Stroke. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Simple Guide to Heat Stroke

A Simple Guide to Heat Stroke

What is Heat Stroke?

Heat Stroke is a disturbance of the heat regulating mechanism of the body which can result in hyperpyrexia (high body temperature), syncope (fainting), convulsions (fits), coma and sometimes death

Who is at risk of Heat Stroke?

1.people staying in hot dry climates (eg. desert)

2.People training under hot temperature (eg. soldiers)

3.During heat waves.

What are the causes of Heat Stroke?

Most forms of Heat Stroke are due to

genetic conditions:


Acquired Heat Stroke

1.Body's inability to dissipate body heat

2.Strenuous exercise without sufficient hydration

3.Prolonged exposure to high temperatures especially sunshine especially in desert and heat waves

4.Dehydration and inability to sweat.

MAO inhibitors

What are Signs and symptoms of Heat Stroke?

Onset is usually sudden.


1.feeling of weakness

2.dizziness and nausea


4.chest discomfort

5.flushing of face and body



2.Flushed skin

3.Muscle twitching


5.tachycardia, raised blood pressure

6.Dilated pupils

7.reduced reflexes

8.Seizures and coma


10.Cardiac failure

How is the diagnosis of Heat Stroke made?

1.History of exposure to high temperature

2.Body temperature

3.Blood electrolytes and acid base

What are the complications of Heat Stroke?

1.Brain damage

2.Heart damage

3.Kidney damage

What is the treatment of Heat Stroke?

Heat Stroke is a life threatening emergency.

1.Reduce temperature with ice packs or ice baths

2.Alcohol sponging if ice not available

3.Cooler packs if available

4.Intravenous fluids to correct dehydration and electrolytes

5.Oral fluids and isotonic drinks.

6.Anticonvulsant to prevent seizure or fits

7.Remove drugs which can cause dehydration such as anticholinergics and antidepressants.

What is the prognosis of Heat Stroke ?

Prognosis is poor if treatment is delayed.

Treat the condition urgently as it is a life threatening emergency.

What are the Preventive measures taken for Heat Stroke ?

Prevention is by

1.frequent drinking of water and

2.avoiding extreme hot temperature.

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