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Showing posts with label Pityriasis Rosea. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Simple Guide to Pityriasis Rosea

A Simple Guide to Pityriasis Rosea

What is Pityriasis Rosea?

Pityriasis Rosea is a common non contagious disease which appears as numerous patches of red rash on the trunk of the body.

Who is at risk of Pityriasis Rosea?

All ages and both sex are affected but occurs more between 10 -35 years of age.

What are the causes of Pityriasis Rosea?

The cause is unknown but a viral infection is suspected to cause it.

What are Signs and symptoms of Pityriasis Rosea?


1.A single red large patch of rashes or herald patch usually occur 1-20 days on the body before the onset of numerous small patches.

2.sore throat may occur before the onset of rashes

3.Numerous Large patches of red oval-shaped rash on the body may occur on the chest, back and neck.

4. As the rashes subside on the body, they may spread to the groin and extremities like the legs and arms

5.Rashes can be extremely itchy


7.low-grade fever




How is the diagnosis of Pityriasis Rosea made?

1.Symptoms and signs of typical herald patch followed by other patches of rashes

2.Skin scraping for microscopic examination.

What are the complications of Pityriasis Rosea?

1.Fungal infection

2.bacterial infection

What is the treatment of Pityriasis Rosea?

1.No treatment may be necessary as the illness is self limiting

2.Itch may be controlled with antihistamines

3.Corticosteroid (oral or cream) may help reduce severe itching and inflammation

4.Soap should be avoided because it irritate the skin.

5.Moisturizer is better because of the dry skin

6.UV therapy sometimes help

7.Antibiotics may be given if there is secondary infection.

What is the prognosis of Pityriasis Rosea ?

Generally excellent but may recur.

What are the Preventive measures taken for Pityriasis Rosea ?

1.Good skin hygiene

2.Healthy lifestyle with balanced diet and adequate sleep.

3.Proper skin care of the body.

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