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Showing posts with label Acne Rosacea. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Simple Guide to Acne Rosacea

A Simple Guide to Acne Rosacea

What is Acne Rosacea?

Acne Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin which typically redness of the cheeks with maculopapular rashes.

Who Gets Acne Rosacea?

Acne Rosacea occurs more in females than in males.

It is also more common in the middle ages.

It is rare in children

What causes Acne Rosacea?

The cause of Acne Rosacea is unknown.

Some possible causes are:

1.menopause with flushing of the face due to hormonal

2.Excessive sebum production in the sebaceous glands

3.stress aggravate the condition

4.Alcohol and certain foods(seafood with its high histamine content, spicy food) can cause flushing

What are the symptoms of Acne Rosacea?

Onset is sudden or gradual.

They may last weeks or months and be recurrent.

Frequently they become chronic.

The typical rash of Acne Rosacea is well-defined : (rosy cheek)

2.small blood vessel seen in rashes

3.hypertrophic sebaceous glands without blockage of ducts

4.papular rash.

5.Typically on forehead, cheeks, nose, chin or center of face

6.Associated seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp(dandruff)and eyelids (blepharitis)

7.Eye lesions may include:
tearing of eyes


visual disturbances

corneal infections


How does Acne Rosacea affects the Patient?

All types of Acne Rosacea can affect a person’s quality of life.

1.Appearance of face

2.Blood vessel on nose

3.papular rashes on the face

What is the Treatment of Acne Rosacea?

Treatment depends on the severity and type of Acne Rosacea.

1.mild cases may not require any treatment

2.Avoid food that can cause flushing such as alcohol, spicy foods, hot drinks

3.Avoid stress and tension


1.Topical Medicines include:

sulphur containing creams and shampoo to dry the oil from the skin

2.Systemic antibiotics like tetracycline or erythromycin

3.Phototherapy (with ultraviolet B, psoralen with ultraviolet A radiation)

4.Avoid corticosteroids which usually make the condition worse

5.Surgical treatment of rhinophyma and laser treatment of dilated blood vessels

At the present moment there is no known cure for Acne Rosacea.

Medicines have been able to reduce the severity of inflammation and improve the quality of life.

What is the Prognosis of Acne Rosacea?

There is generally no cure for Acne Rosacea.

Treatment is good with prolonged antibiotic therapy.

Lifelong treatment may be necessary to control signs and symptoms.

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