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Showing posts with label corticosteroids. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Simple Guide to Urticaria

A Simple Guide to Urticaria

What is Urticaria?

Urticaria is an itchy rash that occurs rapidly anywhere on the body.
The rash may occur often simultaneously at multiple sites.
It is usually temporary disappearing after 24 hours although new rashes may occur at other sites.

What causes Urticaria?

Urticaria is usually due to known mast cell stimulants although in the majority of cases the cause is unknown.

Urticaria is not contagious and for most patients the condition may be managed well with treatment and avoidance of mast cell stimulants:

1. Certain foods: eggs, nuts, fruits,shellfish, fish, chocolates

2. Certain drugs: antibiotics, NSAIDs

3. Physical stimulants: pressure, sweating, cold temperature, sunlight

4. Infections: viral, bacteria

5. Others: flowers, pollen, beestings, animal furs, soaps

What are the symptoms and signs of Urticaria?

The rash is typically itchy and appear rapidly as localised red swelling on the skin measuring a few mm to more than 10 cm in size in different shapes.

The swelling can also occur on eyelids, lips, palms and soles.

Urticaria is usually harmless and disappear within a few days or week.

However because it can involve very extensive areas of the body, it can cause a lot of irritation and a lot of anxiety.

Very rarely the urticaria can lasts months to years causing disruption to work and social life.

What makes patients with Urticaria itch?

In people with Urticaria, the mast cell stimulant can cause histamine release from mast cells.

The histamine is the predominant chemical which is responsible for the inflammatory response which leads to changes of the blood vessels of the skin.

This leads to more blood flow to the affected skin and excessive fluid moving into the surrounding tissues , causing itching and swelling.

How can Urticaria be treated?

One of the most important part of treatment is to to try to identify the substance or underlying medical condtion which may cause the Urticaria.
Avoidance of the causative substance or treatment of the underlying medical conditions such as infections will lead to the resolution of the urticaria.

One of the most important components of an Urticaria treatment routine is to prevent scratching.

Cold compresses applied directly to itchy skin can also help relieve itching.

Antihistamine tablets will usually relieve the itch and suppress the eruption of the rash.
The antihistamine need to be taken regularly for long as the urticaria is active.

If the condition persists, worsens, or does not improve satisfactorily, another effective treatment is the application of nonprescription corticosteroid creams and ointments to reduce itch.

Corticosteroid tablets may be prescribed if necessary.

How can Urticaria be prevented?

Find the causative agent and avoid it.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity

Avoid sweating or overheating

Avoid certain foods (e.g.,eggs, nuts, seafood, chocolates)

Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, and solvents

Avoid environmental factors that trigger allergies (e.g., pollens, molds, mites, and animal dander)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Simple Guide to Beestings

A Simple Guide to Beestings

What are beestings?

Beestings include stings by different bees, wasps and hornets.
The most common sting is by the common honeybee.
Usually the bee stings the patient skin, leaving its stinger behind and dies.

What are the symptoms of Beestings?

1. stinger left on the skin

2. pain and mild discomfort may last a few hours

3. swelling of the skin at the sting site in sensitive patients reacting to the venom of the sting

4. itch at the site may lasts for a week

The main component of bee venom responsible for pain is the toxin melittin.
Histamine and amines in the beesting contribute to the pain and itching.
Most beesting are acidic in nature.

What is the treatment of Beestings?

1.Remove the barbed stinger.

2.Apply cold compress to reduce pain and swelling.

3.Use baking soda solution to conteract the acid.

4.Give paracetamol and antihistmines
for pain and itch

For more severe reactions such as allergy and anaphylactic shock to the beestings, emergency treatment may be required:

1.Give adrenaline injection subcutaneously slowly over a minute peroid
followed by

2.antihistamine like diphenhydramine intravenously

3.Treat shock

may be needed to counter allergy

Multiple beestings may cause severe reaction with shock and hemaglobinuria.
This may require hospitalisation.

Multiple beestings have been known to cause the kidneys and vital organs to shut down and should be treated urgently.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Simple Guide to Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

A Simple Guide to Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

What is Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease?

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COLD) is a disease of the lungs characterised by the obstruction to the air flow in the airways of the lungs.

The narrowing of the airways together with distension of the air sacs beyond the terminal bronchioles with destruction of the alveolar walls over the course of many years damages the air sacs reducing the surface area left for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

As a result the patient become increasingly short of breath.

What is the cause of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease?

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease is associated with
1.Chronic bronchitis .
Chronic bronchitis is an ongoing inflammation of the lining of the breathing tubes (the bronchi), which is caused by bacterial infection or cigarette smoke irritation.

As the inflammation progresses, the bronchi fill up with mucus resulting in a chronic cough, as the body attempts to rid itself of the excess mucus that is irritating the lungs. The excess mucus in the bronchi also makes the diameter of the bronchi narrower and reduces the amount of air that can pass through. There is obstruction to air flow and hence breathlessness.

Smoking is the main culprit here.

2.Chronic asthma-
the narrowing of the airtubes caused by spasm of the muscles of the lining the airtubes triggered off by the allergens can cause permanent damage to the airtubes causing obstruction to airflow and hence difficulty in breathing.

3.Emphysema -
here the narrowing of the airway extends to the smaller airways or bronchioles with damage and overdistension of the air sacs resulting in obstruction and less air getting through to the lungs.

4.Chronic infection of the lungs like pneumoconiosis and tuberculosis may cause damage to the lungs with difficulty in breathing and poor air flow.

In all cases of the above conditions air flow is impeded and there is hyper inflation of the lungs.

What are the Symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease?

Symptoms include:
1.Cough is usually the first symptom to develop.
It is usually a wet cough with phlegm(sputum).
Initially the cough is intermittent but becomes persistent as the condition progresses.

2. Excessive sputum or mucus is produced by the damaged airways.
This results in excessive production of phlegm

3.Chronic shortness of breath or shortness of breath occurs with mild exertion.
As the illness continues, breathlessness occurs even when sitting and can be very distressing to the patient.

4.There may even be breathing difficulty when lying down.

5.Wheezing may occur due to the sound of the air trying to squeeze through narrow airways.

6.Bluish coloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen

7.Dizziness can occur if the brain does not receive enough oxygen

8.Fatigue also occur when the body does not receive enough oxygen

Besides these main symptoms, other symptoms are:
1. Nasal flaring and bulging eyes

2.Vision abnormalities

3.Anxiety, stress, and tension

4.Ankle, feet, and leg swelling

5.Unintentional weight loss

6.Headache (especially in the morning)

7.Excessive daytime sleepiness


How is the diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease made?

1. medical history of cough, excessive sputum, breathlessness and their duration.
Any history of smoking,asthma, exposure to environmental toxins.

2. Physical examination for barrel-shaped chest and flattened diaphragm.

3. Pulmonary (lung) Function Testing-
this is a very important tool used to confirm COLD.
The patient is asked to into a machine called the spirometer which measures the amount of air the patient is able to blow out from his lungs.
The readings from the spirometer will confirm the diagnosis of COLD and assess the severity.
It is also used to monitor the patient's progress.

4. Chest X-ray is useful as an aid in the diagnosis of COLD(hyperinflated lungs and depressed diaphragm is typical).
It is also useful to rule out other conditions besides COLD.
It also detects any complications of COLD.

What is the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease?

There is no cure for COLD.

Medications and lifestyle changes may help in the relief of symptoms and preventing the progression of the disease.

Lifestyle Changes:
1.Stop Smoking is the most important step for a COLD sufferer.
While the damage to to the lungs cannot be reversed, stopping smoking will help prevent the progression of the condition.

2. Avoid air pollution and second hand smoke in the workplace and wear a mask if the air pollution index is high

3.Pulmonary Rehabilation- this involved a structured programme which includes education, exercise training,psychosocial support and instruction proper breathing techniques.
Benefits include improvement in the ability to exercise, reduced breathlessness and fatigue resulting in improvement in the quality of life.

4.Nutrition- eat a well balanced diet.
If chewing and swallowing interfere withbreathing, take small frequent meals.

5. Rest, meditation,adequate sleep are factors which will help improve your quality of life.

1.Bronchodilators are medicines that relax the muscles aound the airways in your lungs, It opens the airways allowing air flow in and out of the lungs to improve. Bronchodilators may be taken orally or in inhalers.

2. Corticosteroids helps reduce airway inflammation and decrease the mucus production. Again these medicines can be taken orally or in inhalers.
Side effects are less with inhalers.

3. Antibiotics are taken to treat any underlying infection.

4. Vaccinations:
a.Yearly influenza vaccination is given if there is a higher risk of pneunomia if you suffer from influenza.
b.Pneumoccal vaccination for protection against pneumococcal infection.

Oxygen Therapy:Those wth severe symptoms may benefit from a regime of oxygen therapy for at least 15 hours a day.

Sometime removal of section of lung which has collapsed may improve symptoms. Sometimes a few may be considered for lung transplantation.

What are the Complications of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease?

Most patients ends up with pneumonia and death because of the chronic progression of the disease.

Many if treated are able to live a long time before succumbing to pneumonia.

Other advice:

Air travel may be possible if the doctor deem that you are fit to travel.

Sometimes arrangement for oxygen and medications during the air flight may be necessary.

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