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Showing posts with label axilla. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Simple Guide to Intertrigo

A Simple Guide to Intertrigo

What is Intertrigo?

Intertrigo is a moist red seborrheic (oil gland) skin rash affecting body clefts such as armpits and groins.

What are the causes of Intertrigo?

The seborrheic glands (oil glands) in the skin secretes excessive sebum(oil) especially in areas which tends to rubs against each other such as armpits, groins, skin under the breasts, and navel.

Because of the irritation of the skin and secretion of sebum, a red moist form of rash appears.

What are Signs and symptoms of Intertrigo?


1.moist rash skin

3.may be oily


1.Typical red moist macular rash

2.may have sebum present

3.appears mainly at axilla, groin, submammary skin

How is the diagnosis of Intertrigo made?

1.Symptoms and signs of moist red seborrheic type of rash

2.Skin scraping to exclude fungal infection.

What are the complications of Intertrigo?

1.Fungal infection

2.bacterial infection

What is the treatment of Intertrigo?

1.Control of dandruff and other seborrheic conditions

2.Anifungal and antibiotic cream applied to skin lesions.

3.Corticosteroid cream may help reduce inflammation

What is the prognosis of Intertrigo ?

Generally excellent but may recur.

What are the Preventive measures taken for Intertrigo ?

1.Lose weight in obese patient(less friction)

2.Good skin hygiene

3.Healthy lifestyle with balanced diet and adequate sleep.

4.Proper skin care of the axilla, groins, submammary ares, navel

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