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Showing posts with label circumcision. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Simple Guide to Balanitis

A Simple Guide to Balanitis

What is Balanitis?

Balanitis is an infection of the glans and prepuce of the penis.

What are the causes of Balanitis?

It can occur because of:

1. Sexually transmitted bacterial diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, candidiasis.

2. Viral diseases like genital herpes

3. Parasitic infection such as trichomoniasis

4. drug allergy and eruptions

5. Contact dermatitis,psoriasis,lichen planus,seborrheic dermatitis

6. collagen disease (Reiter's syndrome)

7. phimosis

What are the symptoms of Balanitis?

1. Itchiness of the glans and prepuce with scratch marks

2. Pain and burning sensation on passing urine

3. Subpreputial(below prepuce) discharge 2-3 days after intercourse in venereal disease

4. Oedema of prepuce

5. Ulceration of the glans

6. Blisters or rashes in genital herpes

7. enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

How do you diagnose Balanitis?

Physical examination.

Blood tests for venereal disease and glucose

Urine for sugar and leucocytes

What is the treatment of Balanitis?

1. Antibiotic

2. Hygience

3. Treat underlying cause. (eg Diabetes)

4. circumcision

What is the prognosis of Balanitis?

Prognosis is good.

Sometimes the disease may recur due to underlying causes.

Circumcision will cure any balanitis due to phimosis

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