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Showing posts with label toe nails. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Simple Guide to Paronychia

A Simple Guide to Paronychia

What are Paronychia?

Paronychia is acute or chronic infection of the tissue surrounding the nails of fingers or feet.

What are the Causes of Paronychia?

There are two main causes of Acute Paronychia:
1.Bacteria-pseudomonas, Proteus,staphylococus

2.Fungal- candida

Chronic Paronychia:
1.Fungal- candida


Micro-organisms usually enter through injured or damaged tissues from a ingrowing nail or sharp nail.

Tissues around the base of the cuticles becomes infected and inflammed, usually on one side of the nail.

Pus may form and oozes from the infected tissues.

What are the Symptoms of Paronychia?

1.Acute paronychia:


2.painful nail fold

4.may dicharge pus

2.Chronic paronychia



3.swollen tissues at base of nail

4.pus may be present

5.nail plate may rigid, distorted or invaded by micro-organism

What are the investigations for Paronychia?

Swab for culture and sensitvity to antibiotics

Exclude Diabetes

What is the Treatment of Paronychia?

Acute Paronychia:

1.Systemic antibiotics

2.Incision and drainage of pus

3.Surgical excision of part of the cuticle causing tissue damage(Ingrowing toenails) and the removal of infected lateral nail folds

Chronic Paronychia:

1.Keep hands dry and use protective gloves

2.Apply anti fungal lotions and creams such as clotrimazole, nystatin

3.Systemic anti fungals such as griseofulvin or ketoconazole

4.Treat secondary bacterial infections with antibiotics

What are the Prevention measures in Paronychia?

1.Avoid pressure on the lateral folds of the nails

2.Footwear should not be too tight

3.Avoid biting of nails

4.Avoid constant contact with water and soaking in water

5.Cutting of nails should not be too deep

6.Good personal hygience

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