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Showing posts with label Achilles tendinitis. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - ACHILLES TENDINITIS


Achilles Tendinitis is the inflammation and swelling of the Achilles tendon .

The cause of Achilles Tendinitis is due:

1.Injury or trauma to the Achilles tendon-minor tears in the tendon of these muscles are always present in injury

2.Repetitive over usage of Achilles tendon especially in a runner

The symptoms and signs of Achilles Tendinitis are:

Onset is usually gradual unless due to injury


1.Pain on movement of the Achilles tendon

2.Swelling of the Achilles tendon affected at the lower leg and heel
3.Stiffness of the Achilles tendon  - inability to stretch

4.Pain often radiates into the foot


1.swelling of the affected Achilles tendon

2.pain and local tenderness of the affected Achilles tendon

3.dry crepitus on movement of the Achilles tendon is present
4. X-rays are usually normal although an ultrasound may show minor tears in the tendon.

The complications of Achilles Tendinitis are:

Fibrosis and rupture of the inflammed Achilles tendon of the heel area may occur leading to loss of function of the tendon in lifting the foot resulting in a drop foot.
The Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis is:

Conservative treatment: of the tendon compress may help reduce inflammation

3.Splints or bandaging of the tendon and heel area and ankle to rest the tendons

4.Pain killers such as NSAID(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for pain

5.Muscle relaxant to relax muscles

6.local injection of local anesthetic and long acting steroid should be avoided because of danger of rupture of tendon.

7.Avoid overusage of the Achilles tendon

Surgery :

Surgical reattachment of Achilles tendon may be necessary if torn .
The prognosis of Achilles Tendinitis is:

Prognosis is usually good although recurrence may occur.

The prevention of Achilles Tendinitis is by:

1. Avoiding any strenuous exercises


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