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Showing posts with label Vincent's Angina. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - VINCENT'S ANGINA


Vincent's Angina is the non contagious infection affecting the interdental papillae named after Dr. Henri Vincent .

It extends to the gums causing necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis .

It is also known as Trench Mouth because of the smell from the mouth.

The cause of Vincent's Angina:
Vincent's Angina is caused by bacteria which are anaerobes such as  fusiform bacteria as well as spirochete such as treponema.

Vincent's Angina can occur in the mouth as a result of:
1.poor oral hygiene

2.nutritional deficiency

3.blood dyscrasias

4.debilitating diseases

5.heavy smoking

The Symptoms of Vincent's Angina are:
1.malaise, loss of appetite and weight loss

2.Painful bleeding gums

3.unpleasant breath or halitosis

4.increased saliva production

5.ulcers on the mucosa of mouth have
a.punched out appearance,
b.covered by greyish membrane
c.bleed easily  
d.affects neighboring gums

6.local lymph node enlargement

Diagnosis of Vincent's Angina:

Vincent's Angina is diagnosed by:

1.Dental examination .

2.buccal smear for culture and sensitivity of micro-organisms to antibiotics

Complications of Vincent's Angina:

If untreated, Vincent's Angina can lead to the following complications:

1.Destruction of the periodontium

2.necrotizing stomatitis

3.destruction of cheek tissues, lip mucosa and underlying jaw bone

Treatment of Vincent's Angina:
1.good oral hygiene
a.Brushing teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
b.Cleaning between teeth daily with floss. debridement (cleaning and removal of debris)

3.mouth washes especially after eating food

4.Antibiotics -penicillin or erythromycin may be necessary to clear infection

5.avoid smoking

6.treatment of underlying diseases

Prognosis of Vincent's Angina:
good with proper dental treatment

Prevention of Vincent's Angina:

1.proper nutrition

2.good oral hygiene

3.avoid smoking

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