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Showing posts with label Stomatitis. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Simple Guide to Stomatitis

A Simple Guide to Stomatitis

What is Stomatitis?

Stomatitis means inflammation of the mouth

What are the Causes of Stomatitis?

There are many many disorders which can cause Stomatitis:

1.Bacteria, viruses, fungus



4.Dental problems,poor fitting denture, poor dental hygience


6.medicines: phenytoin, iodides, barbiturates


What are the Symptoms of Stomatitis?

Stomatitis usually appear on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, tongue, soft palate, and the base of the gums.

It may begin with a tingling or burning sensation, followed by a red hyperemia of the inside of the lining of the cheek, gums or tongues.

The inflamed surfaces may develop into ulcers

Occasionally, a severe occurrence may be accompanied by fever,lymphadenopathy and lethargy.

Most mouth inflammation is not infectious except bacterial,fungal and viral infections.

Oral mucosal smears may be necessary to determine those with bacterial or fungal infections.

What is the Treatment of Stomatitis?

The exact treatment will depend on the cause of the Stomatitis.
Sometimes all that is required is to remove the cause of the Stomatitis such as an ill fitting denture.

The following measures may help to reduce pain from Stomatitis:
Proper oral hygience:

1.keep your mouth clean at all times,

2.avoid foods that are spicy, acidic, salty or particularly hot or cold, which can make the symptoms worse, a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables,

4.gargle with warm salt water,

5.use a diluted chlorhexidine mouthwash once a day to help reduce the length of time the stomatitis last.

6.sprays and rinses are also available for pain relief.

Medical treatment:

The main treatment of the Stomatitis is application of topical corticosteroids (Kenalog in orabase or Oracorte E), or other soothing preparations.

Where bacteria are present the appropriate antibiotic will treat the Stomatitis.

Antifungal agents are used to treat fungal infection.

Vitamin B replacements are important in cases due to deficiency of the vitamins.

Underlying condition:

Treatment of systemic condition causing the Stomatitis such as leukemia,

What are the Prevention measures in Stomatitis?

Good oral hygiene may help in the prevention of some types of stomatitis or complications from stomatitis.

This includes brushing the teeth at least twice per day, flossing at least daily, and going for regular dental checkup and cleaning.

Try to avoid getting run down by making sure you eat a balanced diet, take regular exercise and learn to manage stress.

What is the prognosis of the Stomatitis?

The outlook for most stomatitis is good.

Those with underlying condition such as leukemia will improve with treatment of the illness.

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