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Showing posts with label penile injection. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2008

A Simple Guide to Erectile Dysfunction

A Simple Guide to Erectile Dysfunction

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile dysfunction is defined by the WHO as "the consistent or recurrent inability of a man to attain and/or maintain a penile erection of the penis sufficient for sexual performance"

The WHO sponsered Consultation recommend" a minimum of three months of erectile difficulty qualified foe a diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction."

What is the incidence of ED?

The incidence of ED is unknown:
ED is currently underdiagnosed and undertreated.
More than 50% of all men 40-70 years old are likely to experience it.

What are the Causes of ED?

Erectile dysfunction can be due to:
1.Medical causes
2.Lifestyle causes
3.Psychosocial causes
4.or a combination of these.

Medical causes:

1.vascular disease-is the most common cause of ED.
atherosclerosis(hardening of the arteries)

high blood pressure

high cholesterol

heart disease


All these conditions affects the blood flowing and out of the penis.

can cause nerve damage and damage to the blood vessel to the penis resulting in two thirds patients developing ED

3.nerve disease-
such as spinal cord disease, nerve degeneration from diabetes and alcohol can reduce the sensitivity of the nerves to the penis

4.hormonal problems-
low levels of testosterone(male hormone) can cause ED

any surgery of rectum,colon or prostate cancer and radiation therapy in the genital area may damage nerves and blood vessels to the penis.

spinal cord injury and pelvic fractures damages the nerves and blood vessels to the penis.

7.Side effects of medications (e.g. certain high blood pressure medications, antidepressants,tranquillisers) may reduce the blood flow to the penis

8. Urinary infections and a disease called Peyronie's Disease(causing scar tissue in the penis) can cause ED.

Lifestyle causes:

1.alcohol -
heavy drinking reduces the ability to have a strong erection. long term excessive drinking damage nerves and blood vessels to the penis.

The incidence of ED in smokers are hiher than in non smoker because the toxic chemicals in the cigarettes can damage nerves and blood vessels to the penis.

3.Substance abuse such as heroin etc can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels to the penis.

4. Sedentary lifestyle-
Lack of exercise may lead to ED due to poor blood circulation

Psychosocial Causes:

1. Performance anxiety -nervousness and worry about poor sexual performance
2. Stress due to any cause

3. Depresssion

4. Relationship Problems- marital problems and tensions may affect sexual relationship

5. fatigue.

How is the diagnosis of ED made?

1.medical hisory especially about diabetes, hypertension, medications, alcohol adrug abuse,smoking.

2.medical examination including genitals and prostate

3. Blood tests of testosterone, cholesterol, sugar and PSA( in males above 50)

What is the treatment of ED?

Successful treatment of erectile dysfunction includes:

1. Lifestyle modifications:


quitting smoking

reducing alcohol/drug abuse

counselling to manage anxiety/stress/marital problems

2.treatment of underlying medical conditions such as diabetes

3.change of medications

4.medication for treatment of ED.

There are now oral medications available to treat erectile dysfunction.
They belong to a group of drugs known as phosphodiesterase inhibitors
e.g. Viagra, Cialis, Levitra.

There is no instant erections when the medicine is taken but with physical and psychological stimulation erections do occur.
Most of the men who has taken the drugs have had improvements in their erectile functions regardless of the cause of the ED.

Certain patients with heart problems or a history of stroke are advised against taking medications belonging to this group.

6.Other treatments for erectile dysfunction

a.Penile Injection therapy- medication which increases the blood flow in the penis is injected into the penis to cause erection before sexual activity

b.Intrautrethral therapy -pellets of medications which increases blood flow is inserted into the urethra which is the tube from the bladder to the outside.

c.Vacuum therapy :
This procedure holds the blood in the penis using a ring at the base of the penis

d:surgery for blocked blood vessels

e.penile implants -these are inserted into the penis and inflated when there is a desire for sexual intercourse.
This surgery is offered when all other options failed.

How to cope with ED?

Erectile dysfunction can cause a lot of stress on one’s marital relationship.

Communication and honesty with the spouse is important in that she understands the problem and that she is not the cause of the problem.

In recent years, more men are becoming aware of the treatment of erectile dysfunction and are seeking help.

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