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Showing posts with label cardiogenic shock. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - CARDIOGENIC SHOCK

Cardiogenic shock occurs when there is a sudden reduction of cardiac muscle contractibity and blood output from the heart following myocardial infarction or heart attack.

Cardiogenic shock can lead to sudden death.

Cardiogenic shock occurs when
1.Heart attack -there is a sudden interference with the pumping action of the heart from ischemic heart muscle damage ofeten involving 50 per cent of the left ventricle.

2.Injury to the heart muscle from trauma such as knife wounds,direct impact of heavy object on the heart.

3.Drug overdosage such as beta blockers or calcium antagonist affecting the slowing of heart and poor output of blood.

The symptoms of Cardiogenic shock are :
1.Pale, sweaty patient with rapid weak pulse

2.Severe hypotension

3.Urinary output reduced

4.Breathlessness and pulmonary edema

5.Fatique and tiredness


Diagnosis of Cardiogenic shock is usually confirmed by:
1.History of chest pain, shock and physical examination showing low blood pressure

2.ECG(electrocardiogram)shows typical features of large depression in Q wave, ST segment and raised RS segment. A 12 leads ECG may showed the presence of severe myocardial infarct

3. Blood cardiac enzymes and ESR may be raised.

Any cardiogenic shock is an EMERGENCY!
Immediate treatment is urgent!
Admit to hospital as an emergency.

Severe cases are admitted to Cornary care unit(CCU) for constant monitoring of the heart, blood pressure and abnormal rhythm of heart rate.

Intravenous fluids such as glucose should be given on admission together with insulin to help raise the blood pressure.

Blood pressure can be further raised with dopamine or dobutamine.

Vasodilators like isorbide are give to help dilate the artery to the heart

Diuretics may be necessary to relieve congestion of the lungs and edema.

Any abnormal rhythm of the heart must also be treated with medications or pacemaker if severe as damage to heart may affect the conduction of the electrical impulse of the heart to the cardiac muscles.

Because of the psychological effect of a heart attack on the patient, sometimes antidepressant or tranquilliser may be given.

Interventional Procedures:
Once stable the patient may be requred to have a ballooning of the narrowed artery or a stent inserted in the narrowed artery. This can be done during the cardiac catheterisation.
1.balloon angioplasty
balloon is inflated to compress fatty matter in the wall of narrowed artery and dilate the blood vessel
balloon angioplasty is performed in combination with placement of a stent which is a small, metal mesh tube that provide support inside the coronary artery.
3.drug eluting stents (DES):
Drug-eluting stents contain a medication that is actively released at the stent implantation site to prevent recurrence of narrowing of the artery
The Rotoblation special catheter, with an acorn-shaped, diamond-coated tip,  spins around at a high speed and grinds away the heavily calcified  plaque on the arterial walls.
5.cutting balloon
The cutting balloon catheter has a balloon tip with small blades which are activated  when the ballon is inflated. The small blades remove the plaque and the balloon compresses the fatty matter into the arterial wall.

Surgery :
If the narrowing involved too many arteries, then a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery will have to be done.

Usually a heart attack patient stays in hospital for 2-4 weeks depending on the severity of his condition.

Mild exercise is started once his condition is stable. Exercise is good for the patient because it helps the blood circulation.

Prognosis of cardiogenic shock depends on the degree of ventricular recovery.

Treatment is aimed at maintaining circulation until some recovery takes place.

Overall prognosis is poor.

Prevention of a cardiogenic shock is the same as prevention of a heart attack  or a stroke as both involve the avoiding the blockage of a major artery to the brain or heart.

1.Control the Blood Pressure

2.Control the Diabetes

3..Control the diet.

4.Check with the doctor regularly.

5.Don't Smoke

6.Regular exercise is good for you.

7.Learn To Relax

8.Time management is important.

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