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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Simple Guide to Cellulitis

A Simple Guide to Cellulitis

What is a Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a condition where bacterial infection and inflammation spread through the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

What are the causes of Cellulitis?

The bacteria that attack the skin and subcutaneous tissues are usually streptococci and staphylococci.
Rarely the bacteria can be clostridia.

Spread occurs as a result of
1.tissue damage

2.lower body immunity (eg, diabetes,AIDS)

3.virulence of the bacteria

What are the symptoms and signs of Cellulitis?

1.Red painful hot and swollen skin with ill defined borders

2.Pain and tenderness on palpation

3.In anaerobic infections, crepitation may be present.

4.Pussy discharge may be foul smelling

5.Lymphangitis and lymphadenitis ma be present

What investigations are necessary in Cellulitis?

Wound swabs may be necessary to determine the bacteria and their resistance to antibiotics

Deep cellulitis may required Xrays and ultrasound scans to see the spread.

What is the treatment of Cellulitis?

The underlying disease such as diabetes must be treated.

Cool compress may relieve local discomfort.

Analgesics and painkillers may help to relieve pain

Appropriate antibiotics may be taken orally or by skin applications.

Anaerobic infections require systemic antibiotics.

If fascilitis (infection of the fascia of muscles) is present, surgical debridement
(removal of damaged tissues and pus) is necessary.

What is the prognosis of Cellulitis?

The prognosis of Cellulitis is good with early detection and treatment.

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