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Monday, December 24, 2007

A Simple Guide to Stroke

A Simple Guide to Stroke

What is a Stroke?

A stroke is also known as a cerebrovascular accident(CVA).
It happens when the blood vessel to a part of the brain is blocked(due to a blood clot) or burst.
The brain cells in that part cannot get the oxygen and nutrients so they are damaged and unable to function.

What Causes Stroke?

A stroke occurs when:

1.there is a blockage of an artery in the brain by a blood clot, piece of fat or air bubble travelling in the blood from another part of the body.
This leads to lack of supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells.
As a result the brain cells died leading to loss of function of the part of the body controlled by the brain cells.

2.there is a rupture of an artery in the brain leading to internal bleeding and damage to the brain cells.
This can be caused by high blood pressure, head injury or a weak artery wall from birth(aneurym).

3.there is compression by a brain tumour or tightening of the artery wall.

What are the risk factors in Stroke:

1.High Blood pressure-
Hypertension damages the arteries of the brain by causing bleeding or blockage

2.High cholesterol-
Cholesterol deposit thickens the walls of the arteries, making them narrow and reducing blood flow.

3.Diabetes mellitus
The high blood sugar level thickens the arteries hard and make the blood thick so that less blood is able to flow through them.

4.Heart disease
People with heart disease are more likely to have poor blood flow to the brain.
Some heart disease like atrial fibrillation can throw out blood clots which can block the blood supply of the brain

A BMI of 23.0kg/m² and above increases the risk of getting high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.
Tobacco smoke narrows arteries and reduces oxygen supply to the brain.

7.Drinking of Alcohol
Alcohol can cause liver and kidney damage. increase blood pressure and affect diabetes

8.Cerebral aneurysm, tumour,cancer metastasis,
These can cause blockage and bleeding in the arteries of the brain

9.Trauma or surgery of the brain
These can cause bleeding or form blood clots in the arteries of the brain

Repeated stress, if poorly controlled, can lead to high blood pressure.

What is a temporary Stroke or Transient ischaemic attack(TIA)?

It is a early warning sign of a stroke .
TIA occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is temporarily cut off causing slight damage to the brain cell.

It may last seconds to up to 24 hours.

The symptoms of a TIA are often vague and temporary:

1.temporary numbness or weakness occurring suddenly in one arm or leg or on one side of the face

2.temporary difficulty in speaking or slurring of speech

3.sudden difficulty in seeing or 'blackout' in one eye

4.temporary dizziness or fainting or loss of balance

5.Temporary confusion, poor coordination or understanding

6.unexplained headaches or a change in the usual headache pattern

Early treatment of a TIA can help prevent a stroke from occurring in the future.

What are the symptoms and signs of a Stroke?

The affected person may have:

1.sudden numbness or weakness, usually on one side of the body,often with loss of feeling

2.difficulty in speaking or understanding

3.difficulty in swallowing

4.loss of concentration and memory

5.sudden difficulty walking

6.loss of control of passing urine or passing motion

7.behaviour changes such as laughing or crying at the wrong time, feeling depressed or showing bad temper.

8.sudden severe giddiness, loss of balance and coordination

9.sudden severe headache with no known cause

10.sudden vision loss in one eye

Treatment and caring for stroke patient will be in the Simple Guide to Stroke 2.

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