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Monday, May 9, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - THYROID NODULES


Thyroid nodules are abnormal swellings in the thyroid gland which occurs when the thyroid tissues starts to proliferate in one part of the thyroid gland.

People who are at risk of thyroid nodule are:
1.Thyroid nodules are more common in females than in male.

2.However the thyroid nodule in males are more prone to malignancy than in females

3.Thyroid nodules occurs more in the 30- 60 age group.

The types of Thyroid Nodules are:
1.solid - solid thyroid nodules which may or not feel hard

2.cystic - the nodules is filled with fluid.

3.benign - non malignant

4.malignant - cancerous

Symptoms and signs of Thyroid Nodules:
In mild cases there is usually no obvious symptoms.

In moderate or severe cases of thyroid nodules:
1.Obvious swelling in the thyroid gland

2.Neck swelling suggest presence of spread to the lymph node

3.Hoarseness of voice may occur if there is pressure on the vocal cord or recurrent nerve to vocal cord

4.Dyspnea or breathlessness if there is pressure on the trachea

5.Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing due to pressure on the esophagus


1.Thyroid nodules are felt only if they are more than 1.5 to 2cm in diameter.

2.Cystic nodules may feel hard while solid nodules may be soft to firm.

3. The vocal cords should always be examined to exclude lesions in the vocal cords causing hoarseness.

4.Malignant thyroid nodules present similarly to benign nodules but can spread to other parts of the body.

Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules are made by:
1.blood test for thyroxine and TSH levels

2.fine needle aspiration biopsy is a simple way to determine if a nodule is benign or malignant.

The biopsied material is then sent to the lab for tests to look for any malignant cells.

3.ultrasound scans are done to differentiate between solid and cystic nodules,

4.thyroid scans which help to show if a nodule is producing excessive thyroid hormone(hot) or not.

5.CT Scan or MRI are not routine to thyroid nodules investigation except where there is suspected compression of teachea.

The Treatment of Thyroid Nodules is:
Benign lumps can be monitored by doctors at regular intervals.

If there are symptoms of compressing a neighbouring organ or the nodule is cancerous, surgery is required.

Patients who has symptoms of hyperthyroidism are advised to go for radioactive iodine treatment or surgery.

The Prognosis of Thyroid Nodules:
Prognosis is good in all benign cases.

Malignant thyroid nodules will depend on any spread to other organs.

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