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Monday, July 18, 2011

A Family Doctor's Tale - CANCER SCREENING 2


Cancer Screening tests:

A.Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is the most common cancer in Singapore and can begin as behign growths (polyps)in the colon.

Early detection of these polyps means they can be removed to prevent colorectal cancer.

People who are at high risk are:

1. all men and women above the age of 50 years

2. those with a family history of colorectal cancer

Cancer screening procedures includes:

1.Faecal Occult Blood Test(FOBT)

This test detects tiny amounts of blood in the stools from bleeding in the colon and rectum.

Those who has a positive test should go for colonoscopy to exclude cancer.

This test should be done yearly.


A colonoscope has a light, camera and surgical instruments which can be used to examine the entire large intestine and removes polyps found during the procedure.

This test should done at 5 years interval especially for people above the age of 50 with a history of positive blood in the stools and a family history of colorectal cancer.

3.CT Colonography Special X ray equipment is used to create detailed images of the inside of the colon and rectum using computer tomograpghy. It can detect early polyps or cancer in the colon.

4.Blood test-tumor markers such as CEA may be raised in colorectal cancer but are not significant in making a diagnosis as they may be raised in other cancers as well.

CA 19.9 may also be raised in 64% of colorectal cancer.

B.Lung cancer

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer after colorectal cancer.

It is usually associated with smoking, air pollution, chemicals such as asbesto, gasoline.

People who are at high risk are:

1.People with a family history of lung cancer


3.exposure to inhalation of chemicals such as asbesto, gasolines,

They should be screened even at a early age of 25 years and above.

Cancer screening procedures includes:

1.CT scan of the lungs is the best way of determining the presence of cancer of the lungs.

2.Blood test -tumor marker such as CEA(carcinoembryonic antigen) is usually raised but can also be high in other cancers such as lung, stomach, breast, ovary abd cervix and also benign diseases such as inflammations of bowel, lung, pancreas and liver cirrhosis.

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