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Friday, April 2, 2010

Leg cramps during Humid Hot Days - Best Yahoo Answer

Does hot humid days cause leg cramps?

People seem to not have them on hot dry days.?

At the US Open tennis players drink lots of water and sports drinks and still get cramps on humid days

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Hot humid days cause more sweating and therefore loss of salt especially potassium .

The loss of potassium can cause leg cramps.

On hot dry days there is less sweating and therefore less loss of potassium salt, so there is less likely chance of leg cramps.

A Simple Guide to medical Conditions

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Headache after waking up - Best Yahoo answer

Why do i have a headache when i wake up when i go to bed late?

i can go to bed from 3 am- to 6 am- and when i get up it can be like 3 pm and it feels like a hangover or something i got a bashing headache im just wondering why does this happen?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

If you sleep late, your brain cells and scalp muscles do not get enough rest.

Your body rhythm is affected by the late sleep.

Your scalp muscles can contract to cause headache.

A hangover effect may occur.

A Simple Guide to Medical Conditions

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Throbbing headache with pain in left nostril - Best Yahoo Answer

I have a throbbing headache with a painful cracking sensation in my left nostril?

I have had the headache for two days but the cracking in my nostril only started this morning.

I can hear as well as feel the cracking sensation and it is really painful.

Has anyone got any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Any infection of the parts of the head such as tooth infection, nose infection or throat infection can cause headache.

A throbbing headache is more typical of migraine which is vascular in origin.

Any nose infection can affect the ear as well.

Sinusitis is possible.

A Simple Guide to Medical Conditions-Sinusitis,headache

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nausea after a Meal - Best Yahoo Answer

Anyone know what I might have?

I get nausea after I eat a meal.?

Most of the time after I eat a meal I get nausea.

I don't know why.

Does anyone know what it could be or is it nothing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Nausea may be symptom of gastric problem, gastroesophageal reflux, liver or gallbladder problem or problem of imbalance in the organ of balance in the ear, sometimes due to pregnancy, hangover effect, stress, brain tumor,etc.

It is advisable to see a doctor to determine the cause of the nausea using blood tests, ultrasound ,even a brain scan.

A Simple Guide to Medical Conditions- vertigo, gastritis,

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