User-agent: Google Allow: A Simple Guide to Medical Conditions: OLECRANON BURSITIS

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Olecranon Bursitis is the inflammation or infection of the bursa at the olecranon which form part of the elbow joint.

The cause of Olecranon Bursitis is:

The Olecranon bursa overlies the olecranon process and is extremely vulnerable to:
1.Direct Injury or trauma to the bursa resulting in a painful swelling in the olecranon tip.

The bursa sac fills up with blood or clear fluid giving rise to swelling and pain.

Infection of the bursa may then occur with pus formation.

2.Repeated irritation of the bursa from rubbing of the elbow against the table or desk or wall.

With repetitive trauma or irritation a chronic inflammatory reaction may occur that results in the formation of a thickened rubbery bursa .

This swelling is usually not painful.

The symptoms and signs of Olecranon Bursitis are:

1.Painful swelling at the tip of the elbow

2.Hardened Rubbery Swelling at the olecranon.

3.Stiffness of the elbow - inability to stretch


1.swelling localized at the olecranon of the elbow

2.Palpation of swelling may be a tender fluid filled swelling in the acute case

3.In the chronic bursa palpation may reveal multiple small hard nodules that feel like loose bodies.

These are not loose bones but are villous thickenings of the bursa.

4. X-rays are usually normal.

The complications of Olecranon Bursitis are:

Olecranon bursitis can give rise to a chronic infection of the elbow which if not treated properly may lead to infection of the bone and generalized sepsis.

The Treatment of Olecranon Bursitis is:

Conservative treatment:
1.Aspiration of the bursa's fluid or blood under local anesthesia.
Sometimes pus may be aspirated.
Recurrence of bursitis is quite common
Sometimes the bursa may dry up by itself.

2.Aspiration followed by compression dressing or splinting may help to prevent recurrence of formation of the fluid.

3.Pain killers such as NSAID(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can be given for pain in acute infections of the bursa

4.Antibiotics are given to stop infections and inflammation

Surgery :
Surgical removal of the bursa may be necessary if conservative treatment does not work.

Incision and drainage usually do not help because a chronic draining infection often results.

The prognosis of Olecranon Bursitis is:

Prognosis is usually good with repeated aspirations of the bursa or through surgical removal of the bursa.

The prevention of Olecranon Bursitis is :

1. Avoid any physical exercises which can cause injury to the bursa area of the elbow 

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